
Thursday, December 15, 2011

The challenge of my health journey

So I'm not perfect, not making all the best choices right now in my life health-wise, and furthermore I haven't been doing the best job with feeding my kids healthy foods.
All of that changes- NOW.

Change is not easy. Living a healthy lifestyle is definitely not an easy decision to come by in a society where most foods are mass produced and created for the comfort of being "quick" and "easy" to prepare.
But I want the best of both worlds-- quick and easy AND healthy. Oh, and yummy.

This journey, more than anything, will challenge me to find the best foods, menus, household products, and exercise regimes that works for my family. It's a journey that I have only merely contemplated but never really jumped into cold turkey. I have bits of pieces of a healthy life, but I want a complete one- for me and my family.

It will be worth it in ten years when my joints are not aching every morning when I wake up, or I can run up and down a flight of stairs without pain. It will be worth it to see my kids healthy, with cholesterol and higher energy levels, or when we find good eczema solutions for my youngest.

But this is the hardest part...getting started. Finding the right resources, trial and error, making menu plannings, purchasing the right products and foods...this is the work part of the whole process which is the reason I've procrastinated so long.
In my next post I'll post some pictures of products I've groceries I bought this week and some ideas I have for planning our upcoming menus.
Planning, planning, planning!!  Fun.  And I REALLY hope that I can help others along the way too.  Especially for us busy moms who need those quick recipes...yeah.  I hope to discover some tips along the way that help to make healthy living easy, quick, and fun even.
We shall see.  So stay tuned :-)

1 comment:

  1. Happy to follow your journey! Thanks for the drop by earlier this week :)
